Heart Health

"Poor diet is the number one risk factor for heart-disease related deaths" (Diabetes UK)
Heart Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is very important for a healthy heart. Eating well can significantly help reduce your chances of developing cardiovascular disease by reducing blood cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
How can Caroline help?
Caroline previously worked as part of the cardiac rehabilitation team at Epsom Hospital providing support and advice to patients to help them optimise their heart health.
Caroline can help you with the following:
Lowering blood pressure
Reducing cholesterol
Type 2 diabetes

Tips for improving your heart health
Reduce your intake of salt by adding less salt to food and eating less processed food and takeaways.
Aim for at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. Learn what counts as a portion here.
Include omega 3 fatty acids contained in oily fish, rapeseed oil, flaxseed and avocado.
Cut down on your intake of saturated fats found in butter, cheese and fatty meat.
Choose wholegrain options such as wholemeal or granary bread, brown rice, oats and quinoa.
Swap butter for a plant-based spread.
Limit your alcohol intake to no more than 2 units per day and include 2 alcohol free days a week. Learn your units here.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Do not smoke.
Aim to do 30 minutes of exercise per day. Ideally at least 10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise which means you are slightly out of breath.